»Das wird nichts mit dir und dem Film, lieber Moholy-Nagy.«

ANSTELLE DER LEIPZIGER BUCHMESSE am Stand des dessau department of design:
»Das wird nichts mit dir und dem Film, lieber Moholy-Nagy.«
THINGS TO COME – die Neufassung des filmischen Künstlerporträts.

»You and your film are out, my dear Moholy-Nagy.«THINGS TO COME – the New Artist Portrait in Film. Mit einem Text von Thomas Tode (Filmwissenschaftler) / with a text by Thomas Tode (film theorist)

Datum: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 11:17:53 -0500
Von: Hattula Moholy-Nagy

I liked this fictionalized account of my parents and Lucia very
much. Even though events did not unfold in quite that way,
the film presents the atmosphere of those troubled times
very well. I liked the sympathetic portrait of Lucia, and the
inclusion of Theodor Neubauer and Franz Spencer. (And of
course everyone looks very handsome.) Ich kann deutsch
Onlineversion here


Film presentatione con Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli Direttore ad interim GALLERIA D´ARTE MODERNA at the Exibition The revolution of Vision _ Towards Bauhaus MOHOLY-NAGY and his Hungerian Contemporaries at GALLERIA D´ARTE MODERNA di Roma

THINGS TO COME Dec 13 in Rome


English_TTC_Things to Come_Synopsis

A moving picture about László, Lucia and Sibyl Moholy-Nagy

While Feininger was painting, his neighbour in Weimar was experimenting with the young medium of film: László Moholy-Nagy was practising New Vision. All that he was lacking was an audience, because his ideas did not suit the taste of the masses. In their film installation THINGS TO COME, the two creatives Angela Zumpe and Oliver Held present their interpretation of what life in the Moholy-Nagy household might have been like.
There will be the projection of the light-image-sound production beginning of June 2020 at the renewed Georgium in Dessau, where you can delve into this network of moving images, sound and colour again.

Fotos:Nagy T. Katalin

Film- and bookpresentation Deutsches Haus New York:

Articel by Lucy Komisar »The Komisar Scoop«:


Friday Nov. 15, 6:00pm
Deutsches Haus at NYU
here is the link:
Excerpt of the Q & A can be viewed here

Teaching and Thinking the Bauhaus after 1989: Angela Zumpe’s Time in DessauBerlin-based artist and filmmaker Angela Zumpe was already a guest at Deutsches Haus at NYU with her films in the past, most recently with The Pastor’s Children – Punks, Politicians and Philosophers in 2017. This time, she will present parts of her new art book, I Am Taking the Ghosts with Me… (Distanz Verlag, 2019), reflecting her twenty years of working and lecturing in and near the Bauhaus in Dessau. In addition, Angela Zumpe will present a screening of her latest film project, Things to Come, which explores the lives of Bauhaus’s László, Lucia, and Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, between 1929 and 1935.

Q & A after the screening

Glimpse of the discussion

THINGS TO COME im Collegium Hungaricum Berlin

Weitere Termine: 10. und 18. Oktober 19.00

© CHB, Foto: Krisztina Turna

Zur Filmpräsentation im Rahmen der Bauhausausstellungen ein Artikel auf BAF – Berliner Arbeitskreis Film e.V. von Wolf Friedel

THINGS TO COME was developed from a video art installation by Angela Zumpe in celebration of the Bauhaus Centennial at the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale). The work highlights various scenes from the lives of celebrated Bauhaus artist László Moholy-Nagy and his partners, Lucia und Sibyl, based on the biography »Eyperiment in Totality« by Sibyl Moholy-Nagy.
By 1929, Moholy-Nagy had left the Bauhaus and was trying to find his feet in 1930s Berlin with his work in film advertisement and as scenographer. This film tells the story of a visionary light designer who foundered in the face of the desires of the film-going masses.

Interview auf Radio Corax

THINGS TO COME in der Lyonel-Feininger Galerie Quedlinburg 2.10.-2.12.2019

Eröffnung 1.10.2019 in der Lyonel Feininger Galerie in Quedlinburg

„I have seen the future“. László Moholy-Nagy und die Filmavantgarde der 20/30er Jahre. Einführung von Thomas Tode (Filmwissenschaftler Hamburg)

THINGS TO COME ist aus der künstlerischen Filminstallation von Angela Zumpe (Skript Oliver Held, Musik Ilja Coric) anläßlich des Bauhausjubiläums für das Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale) entstanden. Der Film thematisiert in verschiedenen Szenen Ereignisse aus dem Leben des Bauhaus-Meisters László Moholy-Nagy und seinen Partnerinnen Lucia und Sibyl. 1929 hat Moholy-Nagy das Bauhaus bereits verlassen und versucht neben seinen Tätigkeiten als Szenograph und für die Werbung beim Film im Berlin der 1930er Jahre Fuß zu fassen. Erzählt wird die Geschichte eines visionären Lichtdesigners, der am Massengeschmack des Kinopublikums scheitert.

»Und die Geister nehm ich mit« Buchvorstellung im Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale)